Saturday, February 28, 2009

Dark HeArT Shine

Well not happy about it but who ever is, between the kids and a wife in health care that stupid little Rino Virus has got a hold of my head. Hit me like a ton of bricks last night after dinner. I wanted to go say good riddance to JMK who is off to the land of the black hills but i was out down out for the count. Rest was good i had enough in me to get out in 6 degrees air temp to ride to work. Smooth Quite and Crisp. Good start to a saturday workday. Hell of the south is coming and want to be ready, just want a good showing ,, which means crossing the finish line. Back to work the Pandora is kicking out the good reggae music, and the people and filing in. Go fast enjoy the weekend,,,Go ride a Bike!!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Really more Really

I know that i had said that I would commute every day this week and I meant it. Well that was before they called this weather. We are to see freezing rain then lots of snow. Now I am not worried abut my ablitys on a bike it is the people in cars, that may end up hitting me. So I'll drive the car, the upside the car still has the same 10 dollars of gas that i put in two weeks ago. May the skis come out again? ,, it would be nice but until then I have stuff to keep me busy. Good intervals in the garage this morning, now espresso time then to work. Lots of stuff to put on shelves. Stay warm and dry.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Summer Babe

One of those rides, Have you had one, just a nice push of the pedals right tunes, good legs cool breeze? Great drive home ....things are picking up and showing up at work making the days more interesting. Days will be getting longer and warmer, and more and more cranks will be turning. Weather is moving in but not letting it get to me, going with the punches. I may rant from time to time esp,, with foul stench of certain Skin Suit Lance Lickers show up. But just keep the wheels turning. Right. I can't tell. Every time I find I'm Shot...

Evil rides a TT bike

A bit wet on the way in just slop from splashing off my fenders on the way down bliss. Got a bit cold but was able to survive. I'll get more work done when the PM comes. Get to work and a huge delivery from Scotty Don't is here so i run up to get some shoes, and there is the Fucking Anti Christ Him Self. A devil with angle wings Jeff The shit Head Shultz, even though he quit and walked out he is being giving a chance to sell to our corporate accounts....which we have none of. A pile of shit with eyes who likes collective soul so he has to be good. Ok sorry for all the swearing just struck by the moment, I wont be nice and wont interact I invision when nazis opened the arc of the convent, and he is going to have his head melt off.. this is the asshole that coined that I have a Dark Heart.... Snow chances have been down graded more outside time on the way.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Overnight temps were higher so getting out this morning was a bit easier than yesterday. I don't know if was a subconscious thing or what but I was dreaming about my grandpa's work shop last night a place that i have not been for over 15 years. Very vivid down to the baby food jars that he stored all of his nutz and bolts. I had planed to get out and do some repeats on Grandad's Bluff, so I don't know if the Grey matter in head was just running with the notion of grandpa's or what. Good time on the hill this morning even had some guy in full super suit try to drop me on the first pitch. I assume that he saw the fenders one gear and backpack and thought that he would attack. That did not last long. Just what i needed. More on tap, The Kid is going to do some tempo work and watch PURE SWEET HELL!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Welcome to JamRock !

I have set the bar pretty high for the week and I gave it a good go right off the back. Early in the Garage to ramp things up right in to a great breakfast. Also a no excuse clause for commuting has to be done even if it is only straight to the shop. A K is K is a K . Something like that, with Steel Pulse in the back ground it need to be done. Now my toes just need to warm up. What strange curve ball will the universe throw this week? Not sure but bring it on!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Winter again

I was asked if I wanted to going skiing today up at Levis, and my wanted response was yes but after being gone all day yesterday that would have been a hard sell. Need and want to go ski there from what i hear it is the shit,,, and they have 25+ miles of cat groomed skiing. So After a chat with Matt i went out and got after it like a 4 year old and a snack pack pudding. We go 4 inches of snow yesterday but the main roads were dry enough to spin. 18 degrees out with a good wind made for natural resistance. I am fired up need more want more the wheels spinning help keep the voices in my head quite. With the work week starting up again outside time was great. What is next might be more snow,, Will I can I ski one more Time? I want to play with one of those power tap things but not will to put the $$ down. Head is a spin after seeing so much cool stuff yesterday. Life calls and now time to wind down the grommets.

Pandora's Box

Overwhelmed from a long day on the road and talking bike stuff. JMK and my self drove to the cities to check out QBP's frostbike. Shitty roads for the drive with 4 inches of snow that fell over night. Trying to digest everything that was seen, got to put some faces to names David from Thompson, was a great one to finaly meat face to face, he has been a big help over the years with their sexy seat post and stems, and soon to be seat collars. Jeff from Ergon was there pushing the green goodness, and had a huge line of folks wanting to see what the buzz was about. Got to see a bunch of stuff and eat some food, and stay warm in the qbp compound. When we split we headed over to Freewheel bike to check out their new store that is set up for commuter and bike path hero's. Amazing what they have going on full service self service showers lockers, all available so people ride more and drive less. Then it was off to dinner at Chino Latino in uptown. I am a small town guy so this was like being in some strange movie with all kinds of glitzy people running around trying their hardest to look good. Not me though as I drank my PBR from a can. We ate with the Bike Masters crew from Omaha. Good dinner and good conversation. Some funny stories about life in the bike world, and the food was good I think that i am still full. Now back to coffee and watching bike racing, need to think about getting some miles in today, felling soft after a short unwanted break.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Round and round

Look who came in to the garage and rode in place with me.. Impressed seeing as last time she rode on a trainer she was 6 and crashed it. No crashing just some intervals and pain. Much happier if out side but temps are what they are.. Good job kid.


yes rest repeat so on and so on. Song #1 is not a FU song, and neither is this one. Get the blood pumping and legs moving, Time is ticking away what do you bring to the table. As long as you can jump over the height and feed the big lizard in the back yard, it'll all come together. WHaT HapPeNs Next? You Tell me!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Rest is good my hole body will be happy to rest today, then back after it tomorrow. I have some carbon bits that I want to get rid of A Bontrager Race X lite riser bar and a Race xxx Lite stem, both in great condition and never crashed. 45 each or 80 for both. If any of you in internet land are interested give me a shout. Happy hump day!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Sweet Blues Riffs MAN!

One last good loop in before the weather turns to winter again. It has been 10 day since the snow melted and riding bikes has been fun. I got just under 300 miles in and 95% of those miles were outside. I do have to say that the climb up FO today did work me could not get the momentum up. I think that the 44x18 may have been to steep for me but then again I could use more on the flats, I guess it all equals out. How about that climb by Levi yesterday, that boy had his engine running he flew past everyone. Can't wait to see how it plays out today. Time to get warm>> This next song goes out to little whiny BITCHES everywhere.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Craft is Warm

Simple loop on sunday, little climbing nothing to big, same loop that I took sophia on last sunday. I moved ok but kept felling wind wiped, not that breezy but enough and always in your face made it feel worse than it was. Lots of miles in the legs this week and I can feel it. So that is why this morning it will be just a simple commute and after supper I do some mild spinning on the rollers. I'll get back after it tomorrow before the snow comes, not enough to ski on just enough to make a mess of stuff. Could be worse I could be cold and wet in California yesterdays stage looked miserable. Crazy all the pro bike thefts, what are they doing with these bikes selling them and how are they not getting caught.? Time to get warm and put on some layers cold out and after three hours of trying to get warm yesterday not looking to be cold again.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Temporary Dreams

Some of the images form my ride in yesterday, cool and crisp but worth every pedal stroke. Not sure why picasa is making the color changes with out asking but makes me look artsy farty. Sophia's bike is done and home she and her brother rode around a bit looks good on it and she is very excited to have new wheels,,,,now just need to work on going fast. Funny to watch the TOC last night was like a who's who of doping. Great to see that you can always come back. Wounder who is clean and who is not... Cold today riding outside may take some motivation.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Pink Moon

I like this song a lot, both Seabadoh and Walt Mink did covers of it and they both did it justice. Another good spin in today I like the long way smooth and clean roads legs responded well even after the PBR onslaught. Cold though thought that I had dressed well, but the air temp was 21 and a pit bone chilling... But that is why they make Coffee. Sun is out Wheels are turning and racing is on TV.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Falling Down

It took me a minute or two to figure out why my right side was hurting. Then my cloudy foggy memory said hey dumb ass you fell trying to ride on ice. OH Yea! Och! The only nice thing about falling on ice is no Road Rash, just pain.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Wait a Minutemen more DU

So here is part three of what was going on as I was just a dumb kid in the suburbs. I have a mp3 of the Minutemen show and they rocked,I would like to find the husker du show in an audio file so i can take it with me. It was great to see all these guys on stage together. I was in 5-6th grade at this point of the 80's wish that I would have had an idea that just 15 minutes down highway 55 the music like this was going on.. Music used to be good what happened to our world?

Thin ICE

Another good morning out on the bike Except.... Well let me say stay off the state trails until they soften or melt totally. I thought it would be a good Idea to give them a try.. Well it was not, made it a bout 50 feet before i packed it in on the side of the trail. Lucky for me i found the soft snow on the shady part of the trail because it was some solid blue Ice,,, the bike must have slip another 20 feet when I went down. Picked my self up dusted my self off and pushed on, the rest of my ride was much more uneventful. Three times up granddads was my goal and it all worked out. I do have to say that the legs are a bit tired now, but as I put Coffee and food go in i am felling more rejuvenated.. Now More DU!!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Pink turns Blue

Ok I know enough of the photo montages but the gray color of the sky and moist black don't always make for great back grounds. The ride on the other hand was perfect. Bike and body are moving well and it is making my tapeworm hungry just making sure that I feed it with the right stuff. More tomorrow then see what the weekend brings. Did get an offer for some wheels for the kids road bike but not sure if I can pull the plug. Those dam dollars always get in the way. The Husker Du this morning got me rocking would have been the shit to see those guys back in the day. Wheels are spinning !

Divide and Conqure

Who would have thought that the long way to work would be possible this time of the year, after all the snow we had. Great to see and smell the country side, on a quite morning. The only crux of the morning was climbing up FA on the single cross, gets a bit steep at the top but is very doable. I had idea of going up and down granddads a few times, but descending it was a bit sketchy could not tell what was frozen and what was h2o, so instead I went t0 the Hippy mart and got me a scone to go with my coffee. Very nice to be on the bike, although I do think that I miss the skiing already and it has only been a few days. Stay dry but most of all stay upright.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

What now

Weather brought people out today amazing what the 50's in feb, can do for a bike shop. My riding way nice both before and after work.... Many things spinning through my head not sure what to do. Need to make things better for the financial health of my family. The good news is sophia's bike is almost done and vacation for the Dakota 5-0 is on the calendar. Now what do I do?

While You Were Out

I made it, was a bit of work to get to the shop. The wind was moving and trying to knock you down. I am shocked on how fast the snow left us. Yesterday the ground was still covered now over night it is all but gone. I rode past the golf course to see how bad things were and well if it drys out you could ply 9 holes this weekend. I hope that i can squeak one more day of skiing in, It was so much fun and i feel like i have come a long way with my ability to move on snow. The commute in was a blast nice to move outside of a car and listen to the music that moves me. The ride home could be a different story if it cools off and thing freeze, it will be like a choose your own adventure story. Now I am hungry,, more coffee and food..

Monday, February 09, 2009

You Holding?

Rest is good sometimes hard for me to grasp but when I do it feels great. Today I got more of the kids bike together and it is looking good. Need to get her in so I can cut the steer tube and finish it up. Oh yea need some super juice so we can get the tubeless set up rolling. Talked to Ron @ King Cage and have some new cages coming thanks Ron. These are the best bottle holders on the market and have a sweet look to boot. Check them out if you are sick of loosing your drink in a race or ride. If all works out a commute to work with a few trips up Grandads. Sleep time comes. And I must go.!!

Sunday, February 08, 2009


Sunday,,,Ahh the sabbath a day that can go either way in my house.. Let me start by saying that any one who says that teenagers are a piece of cake should be take out back and beaten with bags of frozen veggies... That being said we were off on a good foot,,, after a brief trip to Toysareus,,,for james and my self to find some star wars toys we consumed lunch. Still realing from the is this really happening I took the girl out for a ride. Now she thought that it was just going to be the simple TT loop I changed things up because I could. Two small climbs and a bunch of rollers took just under two hours and 30 miles. She rode well bike needs lots of love but one bike at time. Show lots of promise and if could just out her mind to it this could be my new riding partner. The kicker is that she had about 1:15 of cool down then had to go to swim team ,,, They swim for 1:3o needless to say she was and is cooked. So all in all a good weekend of riding but weird to say glad to be going to work tomorrow. Shit that is weird...Just Weird.

Saturday, February 07, 2009

One gear and now Beer

Just under 3 hours outside was great for the 7th of Feb. Bob and I managed 5 hills and fought a good bit of wind. The start was the best with one on the steepest hills around. With the single cross and a bit on snow/ice on the road it made for an interesting climb. All the cows looked happy to see the sun and feel the warm, I did have to tell them that i would be dining on them tonight. Not sure what tomorrow brings, need to get the kids bike all put together might have to take here out on her road bike do some mellow ease he in to it. Now dinner time. AND time to life the HIGH LIFE!!

Friday, February 06, 2009


Sophia's new bike and the box of goodies to go with it.. It is going to be one sweet Ride...


Leave it to Stevil to help get my friday underway. Not much happening this morning had to be here early to let the trek guys in so they can show us all the cool things for the the mind of John Burk....... It is Friday and that means that my 12 straight day of work comes to an end.. Yes and even getting out at the lunch hour so that means skiing in the mid day sun.. AND then drinking beer.. Sounds like a good afternoon... Sophia's bike is going to be here so she may be motivated soon to ride. She is doing a report on LA and says that reading about him is making her want to ride bikes even more...I guess that is what he does for some people. My problem is That i like Lemond and have a hard time being a big fan of LA oh well who really cares... Bikes tomorrow single cross through the hills and valleys around the big old Missisippi that should be fun.... I think that it is time to drink some coffee,,,brought rocket fule black java with a dubble shout of esspresso,,,,,,,,makes me want to go fuckenbikeing........ Good day go fast and take chances.... Make it a Radtarded day...

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Mammy Nuns

Another morning spent on the skinny skis,,,,,,,,,,ski days could become to an end the weather over the weekend is to be warm and even might get some rain. I would like to think that I was able to be come a more efficient skier this winter. Their are still days when it hurts but an hour ski goes by and I am still ready for more. The clip above is motivation for garage rides, the man could move inside or outside. My goal is for more pave sat and sunday, with a ski in the mix if the the snow dose not disapare. New bike for sophia tomorrow not sure who is more excited me or her , I'll have some pictures as soon as it is together.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Eric's Trip

Today was cold, took almost 15 minutes for the tips of my fingers to get warm. The upside was the the groomer had been out so the skiing was fast. Lots of hill, just picking one and going up as may times as i could. We have all come to watch him slip. Over and over again. The music in my head get louder. With the warmth this weekend it may be a return to the pavement. I'll take a page from Matt's book and get in some mile on the 1Xcross.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Up on the down stroke

News of the morning was more cold and wind chill advisory's. Hard to get motivated but after a good breakfast and a quick slap of blue fast wax on the skis i was off. Not sure of what to expect with the way the weather was this weekend. Surprised i was, the groomer had been out over night and the woods skied really nice. The temp were not bad either so i am either getting used to being cold or it was not as bad as they said it was going to be. I did run in to Fred one of the groomers who was out to get the Sled unstuck so gave him a quick hand and before i knew it was time to go to work. With warm weather on tap for the weekend the skiing might not last much longer so I need to get it while i can.

Monday, February 02, 2009

Old boss

Sunset ski to round out the week. The snow sure changed from the warm weather, and may take a day or two to get the groom back in place, epically on the golf course. Slow morning today wanting to ski but going to do the coffee work out instead, swap out the warm wax on the ski and get back out there tomorrow. Would have been nice to see the red birds win that one last night but to many stupid mistakes. Oh well they are all over payed meat heads anyway. More cold on the way....

Sunday, February 01, 2009


Just what I need to get out and see some pavement under my wheels. Bit over an hour on the single cross smooth quite nice to be outside. Wont last weather is going to change. Need to go and put some red on the ski so they will be fast this afternoon.
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