Thursday, July 19, 2007


Morons Tools and Fools, I get to see a little bit of everything at the shop all kinds of idiots. I mean no harm to the mental instable they can be fun as long as they leave but it is the ones that don't understand why their box brand bike wont stay in tune or why you need the coupon from the paper to get the special. In the magic kingdom that I come from in the spring and fall the local shops would run a 2 for 1 special on food or tune ups but all of them you needed to have the coupon or buy something else. Ever so often a jackass would make a seen to get the deal and they would get it because they we a shit head and could not swim with the rest of the fish. So to all of the random fuck heads who think that the world owes them something you are wrong. The weather is great for riding a bike what is your excuse?

1 comment:

Tim said...

anger is a gift.