King's and I headed down
to Madtown for Trek World yesterday.
Long day when it starts at 5:00 one thing when you are out to ride bikes
but this was to learn and look at them.
Lots of new and nice stuff. The Big surprise was Klien is not coming
back to the USA instead the Fish is picking up the slack for the Booting of Lemond.
Steel Cross bikes Road Bikes and all kinds of urban townie stuff. Cool Paint and
nice looking frames. A big part of the show was the release of the
Bontrager line of shoes.
Large crowds were there to try them on, I have to say they were pretty comfy, I would have like to try them on a bike that was not in the cards for the day.
Learned some new stuff ate lots of food got some shwag but the
highlight of the day came at dinner.
we were told to go out to the parking ramp and get on a bike.
1000 Trek limes were in the lots with helmets and lights. We had a police escort through town to
the UW campus for dinner.
With Closed roads and the anticipation of free beer the games were on.
Huge skids riding on planters jumping stuff giving those limes more than
they ever thought they would get.
As far as I can tell they held up, they just might need new tires.
Trek for a fun day and all the Food,
Now if I con only get them to give me one of those limes for my own Quiver.