Sunday, August 26, 2007

Sunny Day

Sun was out like they said that it would be so I was out on the bike. I felt great me and the steel hooked up prefect. Would have loved to gone longer but the wind started to kick up and by the end it beat me down. Took the kids to the pool that is soon going to be closed and the boy was on fire jumping diving and swimming. Swimming half the pool with only one breath. All smiles. Snow has been falling on the peaks in Breck, winter is coming to the old house, Summer will be here for a good long time.


Whiskey said...

hey man, had dinner at Ridge st last night. Darrell said to say hi from the whole crew.

Went down to the Frisco Nordic Center yesterday with Tim F and Evan to check out the cross course. Its awfull. All the big machienery clear cutting the beetle kill makes it look like a war zone. Earth is so torn up I dont know if we can make it rideable.

The wife and I will be in Madison in a few weeks for Ironman. Im ready for it to be over. Then I can start trying to change the fitness from spreading the pain out over 10 hours to stuffing it into 45 minuets.

Fall is in the air here in Breck, air is crisp, fresh snow on the peaks, and sightings of what looks like road bikes with single chairings, knobby tires with mountain bike brakes and no waterbottle cages?

Charles said...

How is one supposed to contact you? Damn Sofia has shot straight up. You still wearing those freakin' two piece glasses? I did 116m this weekend on my Tommaso. Ever think about doing a century to Key West? Would be a fun family ride. Still with Anna? The saver of my toe. Got married last July, damnit. Looks like you need me to mod you xbox, and load evey classic atari/nes/arcade game on to it. And no, I won't fix your gateway. Give franklin a toss.


chefchuck iznat gmail dot com