Sunday, May 16, 2010

HPT Uber Alles

Saturday saw the wheels spinning.
With blue bird above and no 
wind for what seemed like for ever the was setting up nice.
I went out with Anna first to show her
the route from the house to the Cut.
More traffic than one would have liked 
and it seemed like every asshole with a drivers license was out.
At the top of the cut we started to see lots of 
motorcycles up to about 200+
and they made the valley floor interesting..
Got home and changed kits and 
pick up the kids from Grandma's house.
Sophia and i took off from there on fat tires.
We ran in to Casey on the way up, he was in town for the weekend
taking a break from his wrench job out west for the Big S.
The dirt was great bike was making noises which later were found
to be a bent front ring,,,,,,still waiting on a new one from the Spot HQ.
Sophia rode good moving well through the trees  and smiling the 
whole time.
A good day for bikes with so much more to come, 
Dirt for me and some road for the girls.
First big MN test next saturday,,so time to get ready.
Now there is bike racing on the internet and later on the TV.
Going to be a good day!!

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