Sunday, August 08, 2010

In the mind of a child

Another long week in the 
books...the recall on dishwashers has been kicking
my ass a bit and now I think that my
old man back is paying the price.
Great race last weekend followed by the fastest time
at the local dirt TT. I 
was building and getting ready for a suffer fest 
today. I had to convince my self that I wanted to
race and I was there going for it.
But last minute the young racer girl pull the plug, not sure why
but in her mind something went snap.
Hind sight probably a good thing had 
heavy rain last night and going to stupid hot today.
Next one is not till the 21st so more time to build and get ready.
The only crappy thing is the weekend is done and I did not ride my mountain bike..That

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