Saturday, February 28, 2009

Dark HeArT Shine

Well not happy about it but who ever is, between the kids and a wife in health care that stupid little Rino Virus has got a hold of my head. Hit me like a ton of bricks last night after dinner. I wanted to go say good riddance to JMK who is off to the land of the black hills but i was out down out for the count. Rest was good i had enough in me to get out in 6 degrees air temp to ride to work. Smooth Quite and Crisp. Good start to a saturday workday. Hell of the south is coming and want to be ready, just want a good showing ,, which means crossing the finish line. Back to work the Pandora is kicking out the good reggae music, and the people and filing in. Go fast enjoy the weekend,,,Go ride a Bike!!

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